Ecological amnesia

Shifting baseline

Ecological amnesia (sometimes called generational amnesia or environmental amnesia ) is a concept developed in biology: each generation considers the initial reference point of an ecosystem to be the one it has known since birth.

This gives rise to a Shifting baseline syndrome.
This generally leads to increasing anthropization and loss of biodiversity, as the next generation builds on the “degraded” state it has always known.

lighting evolution
Lighting trends from
1992 to 2010

Today's lighting is therefore “normal”. But it's not!

It's reminiscent of the fable of the frog placed in a hot pot, who doesn't run away as the temperature rises and ends up dying in the hot water.

Ecological amnesia is known as “baseline shifting”.


Environmental education and awareness-raising from an early age are essential tools in the fight against ecological amnesia.
Teach children to observe, understand and appreciate nature. This can be done through forest outings, gardening workshops and educational games.
We also need to make adults aware of the impact of their actions on the environment. By sharing this information!

On a more general note, it would be interesting to put mankind back into context, and to put an end to medieval considerations that place him on an equal footing with the universe that gravitates around him. Let's take a step back, a little humility: we're part of a whole, and we're just passing through. Let's think of future generations.