The group of citizens

« Rallumons les étoiles » (meaning : switching the stars back on) is a french collective based in the Chablais region (south-east of France), born of the determination of a few individuals to tackle the little-known problem of light pollution.

The aim of this collective is to make our fellow citizens aware of the dangers of light pollution and to get communes to switch off public lighting, at least in the dead of night.

To contact the collective, you can send us a quick e-mail to
Some info is also available on the L.A.C. chablais


A few volunteers, brought together by a common goal: trying to preserve our planet for the well-being of our children and the future generations.

Explanation in 2'30" by National Geographic

Here you'll discover the many facets of light pollution.
People think light is harmless, but beware of preconceived ideas!
Light is necessary and beneficial, but if it's used in the wrong way, it can become very problematic.
It's a problem for the environment, for animals and plants, for our wallets, for scientific studies, and for the consumption of the planet's resources.

I created this site simply because the Internet offers a myriad of documents and information on the subject of #pollutionlumineuse. But (as far as I know) none of them covered all the aspects needed to make the subject accessible to as many people as possible. So here it is.